Same email two box profiles

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  • France

    Hi Lena, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Its not possible to use the same email address on two different Box accounts so you are likely looking at two different accounts in the Box Webapp and Box iPad app.

    To confirm the accounts you've logged in, please go to the Account settings (click the bubble with your display pic or initials) to see the email that is logged in. If you wish to sync the contents from one account to another, you can use Box's "invite collaborator" feature. To learn more Inviting collaborator, please take a look at this article:


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  • Lena Izzo

    Thank you for your reply.

    Like I stated in my original post, I am using the SAME email and password BOTH on the Webapp and iPad app.

    Under account settings BOTH have the SAME email.

    I can’t sync contents because when I “invite collaborator” it won’t allow me to use the SAME email that is being for the account I’m already using.

    The browser and app are pulling two completely different contents. If someone contacts me through email I can send screen shots of my account settings in both the browser and app, showing the same email. As well as the “invite collaborator” denying the same email to synch contents.



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