Open with Microsoft applications not working

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  • France

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    I understand that you are having issue opening files from Box with your Microsoft desktop editor, I'm happy to help!

    For context, Box Tools and Box Drive are two separate applications use to access and edit your files from Box. Box Tools is an add-on feature that allows you to open and edit files stored in Box, while Box Drive is a desktop application you can install to access your files from your desktop environment. Both application allows you use the default application installed on your computer to open and edit files: Docx files open in Microsoft Word, PPTx files open in Microsoft PowerPoint, Xlsx files open in Excel, and so forth. 

    To confirm, are you having issue opening files from (using Box Tools) on any browser or is this only happening on Firefox? Can you try downloading other browsers, example Chrome, then login to your account and see if you will have the open option for Box tools?

    Furthermore, do you encounter any sort of error message when you try to access and open your files in Box Drive? Can you share a screenshot so we can take a closer look?


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  • Box User


    I have the same issue using Chrome. Box Drive is working fine, but Box Tools is not. When I try to open a file in the desktop application, it isn't an option.

    Do you have any ideas?

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  • France

    Hi All,

    Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the Community!

    Can you please check your App gallery while logged in to your Box and confirm if Box Edit application is added in your individual account?

    If its been added can you try to remove and then re-add the application in your account, then try open a file and see if the option to "Open" files with your MS desktop app will appear.

    Let me know how it goes and if the issue persists so we can check for other possible troubleshooting tips.


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  • Box User

    Problem solved! The app wasn't in my gallery, so I added it there and it worked.

    Thanks for your help.

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  • Stewart Crane

    I have Box Drive installed, but not Box Tools. Do I need to have both installed to open files saved in Box directly from Box with WordPerfect 2021?

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