Box tools is not working correctly anymore - daily de-installation and reinstallation needed

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  • France

    Hi Alex,

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    The issue you encounter can happen if your network or computer environment prevents from communicating with Box Edit. Box Edit uses a loopback network interface to communicate between and your computer. The use of this interface may require additional configuration in your environment.

    Please review this article which describes the potential changes you may need to make in your environment:

    You may need to check with your IT or networking team for further assistance if you are unable to make the changes yourself: 

    Let me know how it goes and if you have any questions!


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  • Alexander Oehrlein

    Hi France,

    Thank you for your response!

    I tried to follow the articles' instructions. Although I had uninstalled all Box-related programs and after that additionally removed every remaining single related Box file (I had a search run on all partitions) from all local user accounts on my laptop, it still displayed "Box tools per user was found in another local user session. Please uninstall it and try to install Box tools again."

    Also the task manager did not show any running Box processes, manual deleting with regedit didn't help either, neither did warm nor cold restart. So now I will be handing it over to our IT service provider and hope they might be able to solve it. Hopefully, he will be able to use that information in the article you have linked. It would be nice, if Box was more compatible with standard IT administration methods as I think our IT service provider is not doing something extremely special.

    Kind regards

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  • France

    Hi Alexander, 

    In the event that your IT person is unable to resolve this issue and you need further assistance, please go ahead and submit a support ticket to Product Support team by clicking the "Support" option at the header of this page and chose "Contact Support" while logged in to your account so they can further diagnose this issue.

    Thanks again for reaching out and have a nice day!


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  • Alexander Oehrlein

    Hi France,

    thank you! I will let him know.

    Have a nice day, too!

    Kind regards

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