2-factor authentication

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  • Rui Barbosa

    Hi Dan,

    You can set up your MFA to use an authenticator app instead of an SMS.

    Authenticator apps run on your phone and do not need network access at all.

    Check out the Multi-Factor Authentication Set Up for Your Account guide.

    Hope this helps.


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  • Dan Welch

    The authenticator option still doesn't resolve the issue of not having a phone or phone signal. 

    I'm at a computer which is essentially in a Faraday cage w/ no SMS or phone access

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  • Rui Barbosa

    Hi Dan,

    I see the problem.

    In that case may I suggest you post your question on the support forum and see if those folks have any suggestions for you.


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  • Douglas Rice

    Box is making a critical security mistake by requiring a mobile phone to authenticate a log in.  Mobile phones are a personal device, not a company device.  We log into many sites and for those requiring 2-factor authentication, we use "VIP Access" installed on each company desktop.  Not a phone.  The Box 2-factor authentication set-up process does not even contemplate an authenticator app on a desktop, but instead requires you to set up an app on a cell phone.  The set-up process needs revision to allow for authentication apps on a desktop, NOT A CELL PHONE

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