
1 comment

  • France

    Hi Maheedhar, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    The Box Mobile application does not allow account holders to accept custom terms of service, but account holders can accept custom terms of service by doing one of the following:

    On a desktop:

    1. Open a web browser and log into your Box account.
    2. Access the folder with the custom terms of service.
    3. Accept the custom terms of service.

    On a mobile device:

    1. Open a web browser.
    2. Type and log in.
    3. Tap on the menu icon in the upper left of the page.
    4. Select "Go to Full Site"
    5. Access the folder with the custom terms of service.
    6. Accept the custom terms of service.

    After accepting the terms of service on either the desktop or mobile web browser, account holders can access their content through the Box Mobile application.

    Thanks for reaching out and let us know how else we can help you!


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