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Authenticator app

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  • Sarah Kirk

    The forum is useless if it contains no answers. If box prefers to handle these things individually, then individual support via email or chat should be available.

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  • France

    Hi Sarah, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help address this issue!

    Please be advised that the option to submit a 'support ticket' and other support channels such as Chat are only available to all our paying customers. I checked your profile and I see this is linked to a Personal Free Box, so these channels are not applicable to your type of account. 

    If you need to set up 2FA using an Authenticator app, please follow the guidelines in this article: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043697154-Multi-Factor-Authentication-Set-Up-for-Your-Account 

    Otherwise, could you provide mode details about your issue with 2FA, the community and its members would be more than happy help provide our insight on how you can resolve the issue.


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  • Sarah Kirk

    What is an acceptable authenticator app? Why do I need to set this up when seemingly nobody else who this folder has been shared with needs to do so?

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  • France

    Hi Sarah, 

    Some examples of Authenticator App you can use and download in the AppStore/ Playstore are Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, Authy, Duo, and LastPass.

    For added security, some organizations may require their external collaborators to set-up 2FA before accessing their shared content.

    Here are some articles that further discuss this security feature for these Enterprise accounts:


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  • Box User

    I am unable to have the system create the barcode so I can scan it using an authenticator app.I have tried two different browsers andthissinotworking

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  • Shim Kapoor

    I am having the same issue as above with setting up the authenticator app - it keeps hanging when trying to produce a QR code.
    I've tried Chome and Safari.

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  • Sean Geiger

    Hey, how about adding the above list of authenticator apps to the below link?  The below link is what Box cited in my initial account setup as a web page that is supposed to actually provide authenticator apps:

    Multi-Factor Authentication Set Up for Your Account – Box Support

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