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File Link Doesn't Work

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1 comment

  • France

    Hi Paul, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    This error message can happen if the email address of your Box is different from the email address the invitation was sent to.


    1. A user's box account email address is: janedoe@domain.com.
    2. Their email inbox is signed into jdoe@domain.com.
    3. They are invited to a folder using the email janedoe@domain.com and accept the invite from their inbox.
    4. They will receive the error below in their Box account

    To rectify this, please follow the steps below:

    1. Confirm which email the invitation is being sent to.

    2. Check which email address your Box account is associated to. To do so, go to your Box account, click on your name on the top right hand side, then navigate to "Account Settings."

    3. Make sure the email address the invitation was sent to matches the email in your account settings.

    4. If they do not match, please have owner of the file send the invitation to the email associated with your Box account.

    Thanks for reaching out and please let me know if you have any questions!


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