Error message adding collaborators

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  • France

    Hi Claire, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    This error message happens when URLs are being entered on the "Message Field". 

    The message field does not permit URLs and putting in emails in that field will prevent you from sending the invitation, so you want to make sure that you are not putting in characters with periods in them, emails for example which would get interpreted as URLs.

    This restriction can be found in this article: 

    Thanks for reaching out and please let us know how else we can help!


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  • Claire Newton

    Hello France.  Thanks for your reply.  I'm not using URL's though - I'm manually entering valid email addresses.  Can you please assist me further.  Thanks.  Claire

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  • France

    Hi Claire, 

    There shouldn't be issue entering email addresses on the "Invite People" field, valid emails are gonna be accepted.

    However, you may want to check the message that you enter in the "Message field" which is just below the invite field. This field cannot contain URLs or emails or any words or character with periods in between as this gets interpreted as URLs.

    • Example: "U.S." to "US" or "United States". Since adding URL in the message field is not allowed, all periods will need to be removed when you send a message, or you can use spaces.

    Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions and I will do my best to help!

    Best Regards, 

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