I see unknown files/folders/Box account when someone shared a folder with me

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  • France

    Hi Sophie, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    If you are seeing random file or items that you are not familiar with, it's likely you have been sent the wrong Shared link.

    You would have to let the person who sent you the link know that they may have sent you the wrong link so they can correct it and provide you link to files you need to have access to.

    Thanks for reaching out and let us know how else we can help!


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  • Sophie Valeix

    Hi France,

    Thanks for your answer, but I’m actually the person who sent the link. I was explaining on the point of view of the person who received it (a colleague) as it was easier to explain. So, I know I’ve been sending the right link (as well as inviting directly form Box), several times and it’s still not working.

    Any idea as to why?

    It’s really annoying and I can’t find anything on Google, it seems we’re the only people it’s happening to.

    Thank you!


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  • Sophie Valeix

    Hi again, can somebody help with the above problem? Our university IT department says they can't do anything to help us as the problem is coming from Box. Thank you. 

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