

  • France

    Hi Kim, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    If your browsers keeps signing you out of Box, here are some steps you can try:

    • Make sure cookies are turned on. Some antivirus or related software may delete your cookies.
    • If your cookies are turned on, clear your browser's cacheNote: While deleting your cookies may resolve the problem, it will also remove your saved settings for sites you've visited.
    • Make sure you’re using the latest version of your browser.
    • Use a browser like Chrome to remember passwords for you.

    Hope these tips help. Should you have questions, please let us know and we will do our best to help you!


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  • Kim Jona

    Hi France,

    Thanks for your reply but it does not work.

    I can of course use the built in password vault of the Chrome browser but I do have to login each time I open the browser. This is not the case for other services such as MS O365 or Google Docs. There I get immediate acces to my account without seeing any login form. With I always get the login form after restarting the browser.
    I'm using the latest version of Chrome and I tried to clear the cache and the cookies. It is the same in MS Edge and Firefox.

    Could it be that simply doesn't offer cookies which last longer than one session?

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  • Mike Higdon

    I have the same problem and it's extremely irritating. We use ClickUp and whether I use a share link to a folder or the Box/ClickUp integration or share links from the email, I have to re-login every single time I click on a folder or link. It'll take me to the folder but at the top says "Go to account" because I can't actually open any of the files. Then when I log in, it takes me to our Box homepage file directory. So then I get to go back and try clicking on the link again and it'll work just that one time so I can edit a document. Then I close the document. Go to a new assignment in ClickUp and do the whole dance over and over again. Is this some instance of the share links not allowing you to stay logged in? I'll try the above cookies issue too but I'm in the same boat as Kim.

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  • Jeremy Martin

    I have the same issue here, despite trying all the suggestions above. Doesn't matter which browser I use, or on which computer. Very frustrating!

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  • Shahzaib Khan

    Experiencing the same issue for the past 6 months, tried different browsers and it doesn' stay logged in. is there no solution to this?

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  • Benson Childress

    Same problem as everyone else on this thread, including having to log in twice when attaching a file in ClickUp. Just add a cookie and a check box to stay logged in like every other website. I love Box, but this is highly inefficient. I track my time and Lean 6 every task - this adds a total of 48 min. each month on average.

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  • Scott Pargett

    Same issue as well. Spend more time logging into Box than using it. 

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  • Damien Hottelier

    Please change this behaviour. This is not acceptable at all in a business application. It is a very small change including a small checkbox to keep the session open.

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  • Sam Watts

    Same issue - extremely annoying and make me not want to use the program.

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  • Paul Pollak

    Same issue here as well.  Doesn't BOX have a solution for this.  No problems with other cloud platforms.

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  • Paul Pollak

    Same issue here as well.  Doesn't BOX have a solution for this.  No problems with other cloud platforms.

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