Accidentally moved a folder into another folder

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  • France

    Hi Meagan, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    Moving a folder to another folder can change the ownership of the folder which could be the case here.

    You would need to reach out to the owner of the destination folder and ask the owner to move your folder out into her 'All files' page and then transfer the owner of that folder back to you. Here is an article that tackles this process: Transferring Folder Ownership

    Hope that helps! If you have questions, please let us know and we will help you.


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  • Shannon Way

    wow- what an absolutely garbage reply. This is what passed for "Customer Service" at this company? Pathetic. So incredibly disappointing. Why does think its OK to not provide real technical support, not just this evasive online BS? What you need is a department to actually answer the phone and help people.


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  • Patrick Rault

    Same issue here.  Need an undo feature.

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