Moving several files at once

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  • France

    Hi Angelika, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    If you need to move multiple files from a folder to another folder, you may follow the steps below.

    To move or copy multiple items at once:

    1. Do the same actions as you do when selecting multiple items on your desktop:
    • On Windows machines, to select multiple items in a group, press and hold SHIFT and click anywhere next to the items you want. To select multiple scattered items, press and hold CTRL anywhere next to each of the items you want.
    • On Mac machines, to select multiple items in a group, press and hold SHIFT and click anywhere next to the items you want. To select multiple scattered items, press and hold CMD and click anywhere next to each of the items you want.
    1. In the top-right portion of the screen, click the ellipsis (...) to open the Move or Copy window.

    To learn more about Moving/Copying items in Box, please take a look at this article: 

    Thanks for reaching out and let us know how else can help!


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  • Angelika Steinacker

    Cool! It worked - thanks a lot, you saved my day :-)

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  • Hiep Pham

    Why am I signed in, but then I have to sign in to ask for help?

    Why can't I delete multiple files at once? The above advice does not work for me on my mac. Very onerous to delete about 50 files one at a time.

    Makes you appreciate just about every other file storage website that exists.

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