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Turn off email notification (from box ) when file upload using email

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  • France

    Hi Peter, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    I understand that you would like to disable email notification for uploads via Email. Unfortunately, this type of notification is one of those notifications that cannot be turned off in Box. 

    • Email Upload Success/Failure notifications
      • When using the Email Upload functionality, Box will send the uploading user an email to confirm whether their upload completed successfully or failed.

    For details, please take a look at this article: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043694954-What-Box-Email-Notifications-Cannot-Be-Disabled- 

    Thanks for reaching out and if you have questions, please let us know.


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  • Peter Perera

    Thanks for the reply. Any plans to add this in functionality in the near future? 

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  • France

    Hi Peter, 

    This is currently not on our roadmap, however, if this is something you would like to be able to do, I would highly recommend submitting this feature request at pulse.box.com - our product feedback page accessible to all our members.

    You can post this idea in Box Pulse and share your use case on how this will help with your productivity and your team. Our product managers review these requests and take them into consideration for future product development. 


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