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License and Manager Users

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2 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel

    Hi there!

    Welcome to the Box Community and thanks for your post in the forum!

    Managed users you add in your account will always count towards your seats, there is no way to stop this.

    If adding additional seats is not an option, you can use shared links to allow others to view and download content that you send them. People do not need to have a Box account to receive/view/download the content within the link.

    If others need to edit the content you own, they can download it, edit it, and send it you via a File request link to the appropriate folder within your Box account.

    Hope that helps!



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  • Toosh

    I have a similar question. I understood that for our corporate Box instance, anyone within the organisation (i.e. a member of staff) who was given access (whether editor, viewer, uploader etc) would require a paid licence.  In this instance, these staff members have created free accounts in order to do this, so I have also been explaining that staff are not eligible for a free account to access company data.

    Because of the free accounts, I am asking them to either purchase a license or remove their access. 

    For clarity are you saying that by using a shared link, these members of staff would not require a paid licence, but should be accessing via this link? Plus can you clarify the use of free accounts to access corporate data.

    Kind regards



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