Accessing box as a collaborator




  • France

    Hi Sam, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    If you haven't created an account yet using the invited email, you can linking the email address (where the invite was sent to) into your existing Box as another or secondary email and that should allow you to view the items that was shared to you into just one account.

    The Login and Email Addresses section contains your default email address, as well as any additional email addresses you've added to your account. In this section, you can update your email address. You can also link multiple email addresses to the same account in Box. Any collaboration invites that go to these secondary email addresses (or Email Aliases) will get funneled into your primary Box account. This also prevents anyone from creating a new Box account using that email address. Other users only see your primary email address and all notifications from Box continue to be sent to your primary address. You can also use the secondary email to log in if the single sign-on feature is configured to look for the secondary email instead of the primary email.

    Please check this article on how to link another email into your existing Box.
    Let me know if you have questions, and I will do my best to help you!



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  • Sam Bruce


    Thanks for getting back to me. I'm not able to link the email because I had already set up a box account with that email address. I have deleted that account now, but it still says I can't link that e-mail address. Should I just ask the owner of the project to re-send the invite to the email that it should have gone to and see if that sorts it?

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