Automating the deletion of files




  • Nate

    Box Relay will do this perfectly for you know how to use Box Relay?

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  • Philmon Abraha

    Hey Nate,

    No I do not know how to use Box Relay. Could you briefly explain how it works in relation to the task I want to perform?

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  • Nate

    Sure thing - so you can make a Box Relay that uses the "Scheduled Event" trigger.  Then you can set the start date and duration of the file(s) which are in scope.  Then you can select "Delete" for the action to occur when that date happens.  Then you can just run the workflow against a directory or any files of whichever type you select and Voila.

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  • Philmon Abraha

    So in that case, whenever I upload files on different dates at a particular directory, each of them will be deleted based on the duration I set the deletion for. Let’s say I want to delete the files after every month, it means each file will be deleted separately after a month (calculated from their date of upload). I just want to make sure the files in the directory will not be deleted in bulk after a month

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  • Nate

    Ok I get it now.  So there is no if/then functionality in Box...with Relay its sort of all or nothing for deleting of stuff.  If you have Box Governance you can auto delete based on policy and then use Relay to move the files to a folder automatically.  That solution would work for you but in your case, with Relay only, it would have to be just a one time periodic delete.  Sorry.


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