I cannot login with box drive.




  • Rona

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to help. 

    Can you manually reset your Box Drive application? And here's the steps: 

     To reset Box Drive on Windows

    1. Exit Box Drive (if it is running). If necessary, use Task Manager to end the Box.exe process.
    2. Ascertain whether any files exist in C:\users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Box\Box\unsyncedFiles. These are files that have not been uploaded to Box. If these files do exist, and if you want to keep them, copy them to any location outside of C:\users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Box\Box\ (such as your desktop). Proceeding with the steps below deletes these files.
    • You may need to show hidden folders to see \AppData.
    • Delete this folder: C:\users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Box\Box.
    • From RegEdit, delete the registry entries under HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Box/Box to clear Box preferences.
    • Restart the Box Drive and follow the prompt to log back in.

     To manually reset Box Drive on a Mac (File Provider Extension mode)

    1. Quit Box Drive if it is running.
    2. Open a Terminal window and run the appropriate command based on your macOS version and Box Drive version:
      macOS 11.x  and macOS 14.x with any version of Box Drive
      fileproviderctl domain remove -A com.box.desktop.boxfileprovider; defaults delete com.box.desktop; rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Box/Box

      macOS 12.x and macOS 13.x with Box Drive version 2.35 and earlier
      /Applications/Box.app/Contents/MacOS/fpe/streem --remove-fpe-domain-and-archive-unsynced-content Box ; defaults delete com.box.desktop; rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Box/Box

      macOS 12.x and macOS 13.x with Box Drive 2.36 and newer
      /Applications/Box.app/Contents/MacOS/fpe/streem --remove-fpe-domain-and-preserve-unsynced-content Box ; defaults delete com.box.desktop; rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Box/Box

      This command will:

      • Archive all files that are not synced (not uploaded to Box) from ~/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box and move it to a new folder at:
        • ~/Box-Box (Archive) (macOS 11.x)


          If you already have a "~/Box-Box (Archive)" folder from a previous manual reset, the folder will be named "~/Box-Box (Archive) 2", or if that name is already taken, "~/Box-Box (Archive) 3", and so on.

        • ~/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box (<current day and time>) (macOS 12.x and newer)
      • Exclude from the above archive files that are “up-to-date” or synced on Box
      • Re-create the parent hierarchy of the archived files
    3. Restart Box Drive and follow the prompt to log back in.

    Hope it works, 

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