Trouble setting up Salesforce Connection




  • Rona

    Hi Stan, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist! 

    Your Box service account should serve as an account used exclusively for managing the Box for Salesforce integration; it shouldn't be assigned to an individual user. This account:

    • "owns" the Salesforce content on Box,
    • makes API calls from Salesforce to Box for the entire enterprise,
    • and must have Box Admin or Co-admin level permissions, with Admin permissions to:
      • Manage users & groups
      • View/Edit users' content and Log in to users' accounts
      • (as needed) Edit Sign permissions/settings for your company
    • Box recommends this account have unlimited storage, as this represents the integration's storage allotment.

    Note: If you don't have a Box service account, the Box Admin should create one as a managed user, for example

    To get started, here's how to  install Box for Salesforce

    Let me know if you have clarifications, 

    Hope it helps! 

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