

  • Dam May

    I am in the same boat. I deleted a lot of folders and files, but the storage capacity is not going down. And I deleted the files a few days ago. I checked and made sure I empty trash folder but the same thing happened. 

    Could somebody help and let me know what I need to do?


    Thank you very much

    コメントアクション パーマリンク
  • Rona

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to help!

    Great news! I went ahead and fixed your storage count. To verify this, log in to box.com> Account Settings> Storage Used.

    In the future, if you experience incorrect storage, please let us know in this forum.

    Thanks for posting!

    コメントアクション パーマリンク
  • Dam May

    Hi Rona,

    Thank you very much for your hep and email. However, I do not see my account updated, still the same message about 49.9G of 50G used, even though I am 100% sure that I only have about 20G of data there. Could you please have one more look? Thank you again.

    コメントアクション パーマリンク
