Box for Salesforce - How to Delete Synced Folder
完了I am trying to delete a Box folder that has been synced with a Salesforce record. Once I do so, I would like to be able to create a new Box folder and sync that with the same Salesforce record. I followed these steps:
- Deleted the Box folder from inside Box
- Deleted the FRUP record in Salesforce
- Deleted the Folder Metadata record in Salesforce
Now when I view the Box component on the same record in Salesforce, my expectation was that I would see the button to create a new folder again (as if everything were reset). However, what I see is the error: "Oops! We can't seem to find the page you're looking for" (see screenshot). How do I get everything reset so that the component is not still looking for a Box folder that no longer exists?