Transferring an app to another user
完了I've created a Box Oauth app to get access to Box from Rstudio using the "boxr" package. This app works for me using my credentials.
I'm going to be leaving this project and need to turn this over to a co-worker. He has his own Box account. Both of our accounts are under our employer's enterprise Box presence. As far as our company Box administrator can tell, our accounts are configured identically.
We've tried to build an identical app on my co-worker's account, but we can't get past the Oauth "dance". The process fails at the "There's a problem with this app" page.
I've also made my co-worker a Collaborator on the existing app, but he's not able to connect to it using his Box account. He's using the Client ID and Client Secret that he sees when he opens my app in his Developer Console. The Oauth dance fails at the same place.
What is the best approach for my co-worker to take here?