Add Collaboration to a folder using AppUser user token




  • alexmlee

    I am going to open a ticket and a new post as well, but we are also encountering this same error.


    We are working on a Rails App and are trying to use the Boxr SDK


    We've tried hitting it with the "admin" enterpirse access_token and this is when we get the scope error.


    Like the original poster, we have the Manage Users, Manage Groups, and Manage Enterprise Properties boxes checked (not Manage Enterprise or Manage retention policies)


    Here is our code that fails:


    client.add_collaboration(, { type: "user", id: ENV['BOX_ADMIN_APP_USER_ID']}, 'owner')

    Boxr::BoxrError: 403: Bearer realm="Service", error="insufficient_scope", error_description="The request requires higher privileges than provided by the access token."

    from .rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.2/gems/boxr-1.2.0/lib/boxr/client.rb:239:in `check_response_status’


    Please let us know if there is a solution.

    コメントアクション パーマリンク
