Error: access_denied_insufficient_permissions endpoint ""




  • kendomen

    I believe you need to "As-User" enable your app.

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  • ashleywb

    I emailed box support and this has been enabled according to them. I've also gone through the oauth process again and granted permissions to pick up this change and still the same message. It works for the account which granted the app, whichs is a admin user but does not work for any other users in my box account which are just users

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  • kendomen

    When you authorize your app, do you see this?



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  • ashleywb


    Yes it shows that when I authorize the app

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  • kendomen

    Are you using the box sdk or just straight postman?



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  • kendomen

    Before I got my client_id as-user enabled, I definitely go the same error.

    After I got it user-enabled and I reauthorized, I was able to get folders/0 for another user_id.



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  • carlittle

    Up until a couple of weeks ago my SDK enabled app worked just fine.  Now I am getting this same error.  I have also tried using Postman and receive the same error.  No changes were made to the Box App.  The Box App has been working for over a year and a half just fine up to this point.


    I also reauthenticated just in case that was the issue.  The user is an Admin and can perform As-User.  All available permissions for the app have been enabled.


    Any ideas why it would suddenly stop allowing this?

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  • carlittle

    I found the solution to my particular issue.  As you may be aware, Box has provided access to their developers console beta.  I have started using it.  There is no way, that I am aware of, to return to the OLD developers console.


    The beta developers console has several check boxes that allow you to grant permissions to your application.  These are under the "Application Scopes" section.


    Under the old developers console one of those permissions is "Manage Enterprise".  That option is no longer available under the Beta developers console. 


    At some point in the last two weeks, the "Manage Enterprise" option was removed from my application.  No sure exactly how or when.  Using an alternate admin account that still had the old developers console I was able to check that option again.  Once I did that all began to work again for me.


    I hope that helps.

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  • Nadisha

    I created another developer box account using old console and got the same error. 


    403, access_denied_insufficient_permissions


    I am trying to use webhooks V2.

    It was working fine with my old developer box account perfectly till I started receiving this error message and now even after creating another new account, I am not getting the same meesage and am stuck. 

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