

  • marinagulakova

    The download button downloads all the folders in the shared folder which is unfavorable. 

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  • Howard

    Hi ,



    Thanks for your post!


    Check this page about Box Shared Links and removing the download option. This will affect your Box Embed widget since it shares the same permissions. If you uncheck, it should remove the download option for all the folders within your embed widget.



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  • marinagulakova

    Thank you, Howard. It does remove the Download button, however, it also disables users from downloading contents of each individual folder.

    I was not clear in my question before, we need to disable Download button on the main folder while subfolders remain downloadable. For example, we have a folder Main which contains Folder1, Folder2, Folder3.  When users click on Download button on Main folder, it downloads the contents of all 3 folders while that is unfavorable action.  We would like to disable a button on Main folder while contents on each of the subfolders would remain downloadable.  Is that possible?



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  • Howard

    Hi ,


    In that case, you're giving access to the parent folder which allow you to see all the subfolders, similar to our waterfall permission guidelines: https://community.box.com/t5/How-To-Guides-for-Sharing/Collaboration-Through-Invites/ta-p/19723#understandfolderpermissions


    You can share the individual subfolders in their own embed widget so in your case 3 subfolders have their own 3 embed widgets.That would be the only way to have a user download just the individual content, but if you set the shared link for the parent folder, it affects all the subfolder permissions.

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  • marinagulakova

    Yes, I understand that concept. This is not the solution I'm looking for. It's not a matter of accessibility of files but rather displaying the button where I don't need it to display. I don't want a Download button on the main folder as by clicking it users download the contents of all 3 subfolders. 


    Thank you for all the suggestions but I don't think box.com offers such customization.

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  • icompute

    Did you ever find a solution to this?  I have the same problem.  The only thing we need to remove is the Download button, which downloads everything at the same time.  We want to retain the ability to navigate sub folders and files, and download those - just not absolutely everything at the same time.

    コメントアクション パーマリンク
  • icompute

    Did you ever find a solution to this?  I have the same problem.  The only thing we need to remove is the Download button, which downloads everything at the same time.  We want to retain the ability to navigate sub folders and files, and download those - just not absolutely everything at the same time.

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