

  • Glen Zhao

    It's unbelievable this request was submitted FIVE years age!! And there is no change till now.


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  • Andrew Foertsch-Jans

    +1 for wanting to be able to unzip files wholly within the Box enviroment!

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  • barrycloudcards

    Hi Murtza, 


    I looked at all of these apps before but they make you download the .zip file to the desktop/mobile, unzip it locally and then upload into the cloud again. i am looking to do it directly in the cloud like how box zip's up a folder stack stored in an account and downloads but in reverse.

    Any Ideas?






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  • gtullo

    It would be very nice to see this added to Box!  We upload very large batches of files and zips would be faster however we cannot unzip them!


    Plainview's Projectplace does it... why not box?

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  • mkozak

    Considering that any attempt to download a folder FROM BOX results in a .ZIP archive being downloaded, it is RIDICULOUS that Box fails to provide ANY MEANS to unzip after the fact or as (even optional?) part of an upload within the web client (i.e., to migrate large folders within Box from say a user account to a group folder).

    Further adding insult to this inury is the fact that using their own Move/Copy on a sample gigantic folder with well over 10K files (as reported by their UI on that source folder) results in a half-baked copy that reports as having barely over 5K files for the destintion.  Um, Box can't count?!  Doing this ourselves and having to mess with ZIP files without any integrated support on the upside is a major FAIL, Box.com!

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  • Pedro Oliveira

    Would be very helpful! Same problem here ! Please make available option to unzip files within BOX (without downloading and uploading) !

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  • Glen Zhao

    +1, it's really inconvenient to download a large .zip archive. Please add the online unzip function.

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  • AshWhite

    Just joined Box to see if they have what every other file sharing platform doesn't - A simple zip extraction option built into the platform. Alas, no 😞 


    When the majority of the world compress their files and folders together in zip's and share them, we surely deserve a better way of extracting them than downloading all locally and uploading to a platform for wider review/collaboration.


    I think I have been spoilt for choice with my cPanel hosting tool that has offered this for over a decade. Perhaps I'm one of the few who has adopted this into their workflow but I'm not sure what baffles me the most... That no modern file management service offers it, or that there is seemingly minimal request for it. It's such a convenient tool!

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  • Jeremy Scharlack

    Agree we should be able to do this. Uploading a complicated folder structure is unreliable. But zipping and uploading it means you can't search or access part of it. Would be very helpful. Please make this a priority.

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  • Frances Martin

    Please add me on the list of very frustrated customers. Please add the unzip/opon in cloud feature asap. Our team is considering moving all of our content to G Drive as we speak due to this difficulty. 

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  • Dave Stewart

    +1 !
    I'm quite shocked that transfer is such a arduous pain!
    Download of a folder tree is forced as ZIP, so why can't I expand an uploaded ZIP to a folder structure?!
    I also need original dates to remain on files (and folders) when transferring from one Box a/c to another, as they all get reset by expanding downloaded structure (ZIP) locally and re-uploading!?

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  • aimeekinning

    HUGE fail and incredibly frustrating. Have spent hours migrating files and folders from dropbox to box only to find no inside extraction tool when all files were forced to be moved compressed. How could this have been overlooked?? I feel like surely this cannot be?

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  • Emily Heavey

    I strongly support Box adding this functionality. I have a zip archive which is too deeply nested to be unzipped in Windows and need a way to access it! It would be great if it could be unzipped directly within Box.

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  • Jonathan Gibbs

    Wow, at least I can see that everyone else has been dealing with these issues for a lot longer than I have. I am constantly disappointed with the missed potential of Box.com.

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  • Al Tan


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  • Sam Harmeyer

    Would love for this to be an added feature. Would save so much time in the process.

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  • Murtza

    We have a few partner integrations that can help with this use case. Here is the link to the Box App Gallery. If you search "Zip", you will see the relevant partner integrations.

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