Unable to connect programatically using SDK - Error 400
We use Box to programatically connect to our application whitelisted in box and we have a bunch of app users that we have created.
This used to work for us, we programatically (using enterprise connection) deleted a bunch folders (not application users) and recreated them, and now we are not able to connect to Box using our application/developer user... We are able to connect using enterprise connection. Also we had 2 admin accounts on Box and one of which that created/authorized our application. That admin account is now removed, but the other admin is still there. We tried to re-authorize our app and that didn't help either. Lookng for some suggestions on what could be wrong...
Also I can't find a way to find the sub error-code that goes along with error 400 to know exactly what caused error 400
Rupa --
20***phone number removed for privacy***:18:32,468 [nio-8080-exec-7] ERROR c.w.p.b.BoxConnectionProvider - Error creating box connection:
com.box.sdk.BoxAPIException: The API returned an error code: 400
at com.box.sdk.BoxAPIResponse.(BoxAPIResponse.java:70)
at com.box.sdk.BoxJSONResponse.(BoxJSONResponse.java:30)
at com.box.sdk.BoxAPIRequest.trySend(BoxAPIRequest.java:423)
at com.box.sdk.BoxAPIRequest.send(BoxAPIRequest.java:209)
at com.box.sdk.BoxAPIRequest.send(BoxAPIRequest.java:184)
at com.box.sdk.BoxDeveloperEditionAPIConnection.authenticate(BoxDeveloperEditionAPIConnection.java:245)
at com.box.sdk.BoxDeveloperEditionAPIConnection.tryRestoreUsingAccessTokenCache(BoxDeveloperEditionAPIConnection.java:305)
at com.box.sdk.BoxDeveloperEditionAPIConnection.getAppUserConnection(BoxDeveloperEditionAPIConnection.java:212)
at com.wmc.partnerportal.box.BoxConnectionProvider.getUserConnection(BoxConnectionProvider.java:56)
This is the detailed error message:
Message - The API returned an error code: 400
Response Code - 400
Response - {"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"Cannot obtain user token based on the enterprise configuration for your app"}
com.box.sdk.BoxAPIException: The API returned an error code: 400
at com.box.sdk.BoxAPIResponse.(BoxAPIResponse.java:70)