

  • scottdodds




    Thanks for your post and welcome to the Box Community!


    Have you checked out this article? https://community.box.com/t5/How-to-Guides-for-Account/Account-Settings/ta-p/20022#loginandemail


    The way to change an email address is to add a secondary email and then promote it to primary - here's the instructions per that article:


    To add an email address:

    • Click Add more emails.
    • Enter your new email address and click the Save button.
    • An email verification will be sent to the address you entered. Click the verification link in the email to confirm and add the alternate email to you account.

    Account Settings 2

    To make a secondary address your primary address, click Make Primary button.

    To remove an address, click Remove.


    If that didn't work, do you mind providing more details? This will help other members of the community to better answer your question.


    Hope that helps, and thanks again for your post!


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