Changing the Box for Salesforce Root Folder
I am able to get this integration to work using BOX toolkit for Salesforce, however, when writing test classes, my call to create folder (boxtoolkit.CreateFolder) fails. The message that I get is : Unable to get the Salesforce root folder, has the root folder been set on the Box Settings. Now, what I am not sure about is how can I set the root folder for boxtoolkit in a test class. Here is a snippet of the code.
@Istest static void test_createFileFromSFAttachment() {
Account ac = new Account(Name='DeliverableAccount');
insert ac;
Opportunity o = new Opportunity(Name='Opportunity 1', StageName='Relationship',
insert o;
Deliverable__c d = new Deliverable__c(Opportunity__c=o.Id, Standalone_Account__c =;
insert d;
box__Folder_Details__c custSetting = new box__Folder_Details__c(Name='SalesforceBox',
box__FolderId__c = '123', box__Folder_Name__c='SalesForceTest');
insert custSetting;
box.Toolkit boxToolkit = new box.Toolkit(); //somehow I need to set the root folder
// and also set the service account.
'***email address removed for privacy***',
String boxrecordFolderID = boxToolkit.createFolderForRecordId(, null, true);
System.Debug('Capturing Box Folder ID;'+ boxrecordFolderID );
The Box root folder must be setup in the test class. There is a Box custom setting that defines the salesforce root folder and this value needs to be populated in order to avoid the failure that you have listed.
//Box custom settings
box__Folder_Details__c obj = new box__Folder_Details__c(Name = 'Salesforce', box__FolderId__c = '',box__Folder_Name__c = );
insert obj;