Authentication and file upload




  • bbangerter

    I'm having the exact same issue.


    Although if I specify a folder ID of 0 (root) the uploadAsync indicates that it runs successfully, yet my files do not appear in the root folder when I look using the web client.


    I'm assuming some sort of permissions issue, but looking at the options available I cannot figure out what to change to grant the appropriate permissions.

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  • vance2

    Here's a response I received when asking the same question on GitHub:


    It looks like the issue you’re seeing is related to the app user not having access to the folder you’re trying to upload, rather than an authentication problem. Each app user is it’s own separate account, and does not start with any folders in it. Where did the folder you’re trying to upload into get created?


    I guess the key is that when you create an app user, it does not natively have access to other accounts.  Maybe the key is to implement the as-user functionality.  

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  • bbangerter

    That's the path I started down yesterday.


    Providing my userid to the asUser field in adminClient

    var adminToken = boxJWT.AdminToken();
    var client = boxJWT.AdminClient(adminToken, asUser: "***number removed for privacy***");


    I'm now stuck at a new exception:

    + InnerException {Box.V2.Exceptions.BoxException: The API returned an error [Forbidden | jxtzckfv74ryya3l] access_denied_insufficient_permissions - Access denied - insufficient permission
    at Box.V2.Extensions.BoxResponseExtensions.ParseResults[T](IBoxResponse`1 response, IBoxConverter converter)
    at Box.V2.Managers.BoxResourceManager.ToResponseAsync[T](IBoxRequest request, Boolean queueRequest)
    at Box.V2.Managers.BoxFoldersManager.GetInformationAsync(String id, IEnumerable`1 fields)

    I'm currently trying to work through to see if I'm missing anything in order to have correct permissions.

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  • archieval23

    Good Day , Did you fix this issue? im having the same problem

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