

  • France

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to the Box Community! 

    I've gone ahead and created a ticket for you so that an agent can work directly with you on looking into this. Please check your email for details.

    For reference, the steps in this article walks you through on how to cancel your Box account: Canceling Your Box Account

    Thanks for your patience!
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  • Pen Dorcho

    I want to delete my account too. Where is the "delete account" button?

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  • France

    Hi Pen, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Please take a look at this article for the steps on how to cancel your Box account: Canceling Your Box Account

    Thanks for posting in!

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  • Robert Taylor

    For the life of me, none of the help pages take me to the right place. I have tried to delete my account since I am retiring, but there is nothing under my account details that says "delete account." The only thing that is there is "upgrade my account," which I definitely DO NOT WANT TO DO. All I was to do is DELETE MY ACCOUNT. Please either do so or give me clear instructions that actually work!

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  • Christine Ellsworth

    This is terrible. I opened a ticket to delete the account after canceling as I have searched everywhere for the delete option and it does not exist!! Independent online reviews show “delete” in the “profile” however Box apparently removed it.

    I’m response to my ticket, Box Support informed me the account would remain until the end of the term, even though I canceled and want to delete the entire account now, I cannot!

    I’m escalating to BBB, FTC and Attorney General.

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