Box collaboration Report - doesn't list file collaborators
We are running a collaborator report to get collaborator info for folders and files. The report only displays collaborators for folders. It does not show files in the report. Are we missing anything? how do we pull collaborators report for files?
Hi Vamshika,
Welcome to the Box Community!
To clarify did you export the "Collaborations" report you ran from the admin console?
Item Type (if its folder/file) is one of the information that you will be able to gather when you export the report as well as the following details for each collaboration invitation so please make sure to "export" it.
- Owner Name
- Owner Login
- Path (file path in Box)
- Path IDs (item IDs of each item in file path)
- Item Name
- Item ID (unique ID number assigned to each file and folder)
- Item Type (folder/file)
- Collaborator Name
- Collaborator Login
Collaborator Type
- managed
- external
- group & group name
- Collaborator Permission
- Inviter Email
- Invited Date
- Invite Accepted Date
Check out our KB article on "Running Reports" for more details.
Can someone advise does the collaborator report show everyone who was ever invited to the folder.
How do you get a list of current collaborators on a folder?
I have ran an activity report but when you do this you have numerous users who were added / removed readded. Subfolders etc.
Its really complicated.
There should be an option in files and folders that shows who has access now to each folder.
Or the user should be able to from the collaborators page be able to export the list of collaborators to excel.
like you can do on other web applications. For example in service now you can list the tickets and export the list of tickets to excel it shows all the rows ticket number category, description etc.
I have voted for this on pulse today
I hope someone can show me a quick way to find who has access to root folder and then all the subfolders.
Thank you