

  • France

    Hi Michael, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Currently, our reporting tool does not show what devices you have installed Box Sync into. 

    Although we have some suggestions that may help such as looking into your account's "Login Activity":

    The login activity section of your Account Settings is useful for monitoring access to your Box account. You will see a list of all the applications, devices, and locations you've used to log in to Box.


    Check out this article to learn more about "Login Activity": https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044196513-Manage-Account-Settings#loginactivity


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  • Michael Linke

    Hi France, thanks for answering. But the login activity doesn't help because it shows no machine names. And if I have Box Sync or Box Drive on an old computer that might not exist anymore it will never show up here. For security reasons, I would like to see whatever machine has logged into my Box account and if it's old or suspicious I would like to revoke access rights for that specific machine. 

    So maybe it's a future feature request.

    Best regards



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  • France

    Hi Michael, 

    Unfortunately, we don't currently offer the feature you asked about. 
    If you have any product feature request or suggestions, we recommend you post your idea on pulse.box.com for more visibility. Our product team reviews all submissions and will consider whether to include feedback in their product roadmap. 
    Thanks for your participation in the forum and let us know how else we can help!
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