About email notification




  • France

    Hi Katsunori,

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    I understand that you are having issue receiving email notification for previews on a folder you co-owned.

    Preview notification can also be managed on "Folder level", so you make sure that you have enabled the "Preview" notification under the folder "Settings" aside from your Account settings.

    To find the folder settings, right-click the folder in Box.com and click "Settings", then scroll down to Email Notifications.

    Folder-specific level email notifications: When email notifications are applied in Folder Settings, it becomes the default email notification for all files in the folder and subfolders. Please note that you cannot trigger email notifications to yourself for actions you triggered.

          - Different users collaborating in a folder can set their own specific folder-level email notifications (if allowed by the folder owner).

    More details can be found in this article: Understanding Box Folder Settings 
    Hope that helps and let me know if you have questions!
    コメントアクション パーマリンク

    Thank you for your reply.
    I've confirmed. "Preview" notifications are also enabled at the "folder level".
    I registered again just in case, but it was the same.
    Is there anything else you can think of?

    Best regards,

    コメントアクション パーマリンク
  • France

    Hi Katsuno, 

    Are you testing these notifications with you making those "Previews"?

    Please note that you cannot trigger email notifications to yourself for actions you triggered, notifications will come from any collaborator taking preview access to these folders.

    You might want to test this with your other collaborators in this folder, rather than testing this yourself using your own account.


    コメントアクション パーマリンク
  • Michelle Adams

    Hi There, 

     The owner of the folder is receiving email notifications but not the co-owner.  The co-owner of the folder, followed the procedure above to set email notifications to be sent upon preview of a file. They are not receiving them but the owner of the folder is.   How do we resolve? Thank you. 

    コメントアクション パーマリンク

    My account is "co-owner".
    I created a folder and invited another account user.
    Another account user is "Viewer/Uploader".
    I get an email when another account user "downloads".
    However, if a another account user just browses (previews) the file, no email is sent to me.
    I now understand that only the "owner" can receive "preview" emails.
    Thank you for your help.

    Best regards,

    コメントアクション パーマリンク
