

  • France

    Hi Amy, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Box Relay is available to Business and higher plans.

    For a comprehensive look at the available Relay features based on customer tiers, please take a look at this article: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/4402975396499-Relay-Features-in-Box-Business-Plans 

    You may reach out to our Billing team if you are interested on upgrading your account by submitting a ticket here.

    Thanks for participating in the forum and let us know how else we can help!


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  • Amy Panagopoulos

    I have the business plan so am not sure why I cannot access this function. 



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  • France

    Hi Amy, 

    Can you confirm if the "task" button you are pertaining is the one on this screenshot?

    If yes, can you try to access Box using a different browser, you may also clear your browser cache and see if the "Add Task" button appears?

    If these tips do not help, please go ahead and submit a new ticket to our support team on this link and someone will reach out to you to further investigate this issue.



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