Shared Links can't able to view in IOS without login




  • France

    Hi Su, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    We've seen this behavior in the past and can confirm that this is expected behavior. If someone has the Box App on their mobile but have never logged in, then clicking a shared link will take them to the screen asking them to login or sign up. This happens even if a link is an Open or Public link because if the option is there to open it in the Box App, it'll do that over opening it in a browser. 

    So to resolve this the user will need to either delete the Box App from their device or login! They can keep the login saved to avoid the hassle of logging in each time. 

    Thanks for posting and let us know how else we can help!

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  • Guy Plunkett III

    I just ran into this issue, and it took hours to figure out what the issue was — NOT a good user experience! If someone receives a correctly formatted link, it should work with a browser; in my case the recipient was using a shared iPad and their spouse had a Box account but they did not. Infuriating, and either undocumented or very poorly documented.

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  • David Jones

    I am in complete agreement. This needs to be fixed. I worked on this issue for an hour, even accessing help files. If the link is sent that does not require users to sign in, then why does someone with a Box app. have to sign in, in order to access the file or folder? This makes me wish I had not upgraded in Box but had instead used DropBox.

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  • Richard Wright

    Get this problem fixed . It makes Box look amateurish.

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  • Somer Seedhouse

    Having this issue even outside of IOS. Box keeps asking people viewing our files to log in even when accessed via a public link? It only seems to be on certain files (not all) and there's no way to bypass this when the request to login appears.

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  • a foe

    WOW. I thought it was something I was doing wrong. I’m not a paying subscriber but have been using Box for years. I need to share public links without this issue. Now I need to switch back to dropbox.

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  • MSHS PTSA Tech

    Same! I can't believe this isn't fixed.

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