Folder Size (in number of files - incorrect)




  • France

    Hi John, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    The issue you encounter seems related to what is described in this article: 

    I've ran the script that will recount all of the files/ folders in your account, so you should now be seeing the correct data and storage size.

    Feel free to write back in if you have any questions for me!

    Best regards,

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  • N B

    I am seeing the similar problem.  Folder size (file count) is incorrect and the total storage usage is incorrect as well.  It is actually reporting less than what I think should be taking up.


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  • Gary Moorefield

    Why is this still an issue in 2023 when it was known and being fixed in 2020?   Creates lots of [problems when the file count is lower that the actual (and reported) count.



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  • Rina Kawano

    Having the same issue. Have come across the same issue a few times before in the past year. Is there any other workaround other than running a script? Unfortunately that wouldn't work for us as we have a corporate account with many employees. 

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