Colin Schoeneman
- 合計アクティビティ 9
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Colin Schoenemanによる最近のアクティビティ-
Cannot download Box Files via Salesforce component
回答済みWe have Box integrated with Salesforce. I updated the Box for Salesforce integration earlier today so that we are on the latest version (4.59). After the update, we are no longer able to download f...
Salesforce Box Flow Error: Expected box.BoxObject.cls_unshared_at but found "2024-11-02T11:43:51-07:00" at [line:1, column:1268]
完了I have a flow in Salesforce that runs when a FRUP record is created. The flow attempts to rename the Box Folder and then move it to the correct location in our folder structure. An error keeps firi...
Box for Salesforce - How to Delete Synced Folder
完了I am trying to delete a Box folder that has been synced with a Salesforce record. Once I do so, I would like to be able to create a new Box folder and sync that with the same Salesforce record. I f...