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Sudden failure on JWTAuth - OSError("(10054, 'WSAECONNRESET')")
Hello fellow box developers! :) I have used JWTAuth for my app for a long time now. More specifically I use the following setup: py modules: boxsdk[jwt] then in code: from boxsdk import JWTAuth,...
Hi Kourtney, Thanks! The link you provided, however, does not mention any authentication methods supported as far as I can tell. The client object in the snippets, when authenticating via JWT, I ...
Is webhook endpoint available via JWT authentication in Python SDK?
回答済みIs it possible to create webhooks in Python SDK by authenticating via JSON web token for a custom app?
Steven, I'm currently looking for the same! Here's something from my learning path:You could try out the events endpoint, however it requires your app to have admin access (which I cannot get, so n...
Hi Kourtney, It would be very nice to have this feature, so I will make sure to post the feedback - thank you!
Create webhook: 403 insufficient_scope (Custom app, JWT Auth, Python SDK)
Hi, Hope someone can provide a little insight on my problem I get the 403 error "insufficent_scope" when I try to create a webhook with my app. Here is my setup: App configurations I have a Custom ...
Did you find a solution to this problem?
App to pull access stats on files (no admin/co-admin privileges)
回答済みHi, I have an app in an enterprise subscription, which pulls data from a Box folder via the Python SDK. The app is the owner of the folder that it interacts with. My personal user is then co-owner ...
Thanks! Hope I'm not hijacking the post, but maybe others will find my question related to this helpful; I get the same 403 forbidden error while using JWT auth with my application (authenticating ...
Kourtney, will you please be more specific on which kind of auth methods that the Event API support? What about JWT?