- 合計アクティビティ 45
- 前回のアクティビティ
- メンバー登録日
- フォロー 0ユーザー
- フォロワー 0ユーザー
- 投票 2
- サブスクリプション 19
maybe this will help https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044196513-Manage-Account-Settings#loginandemail
I don't think there's anyway to do this right now. You'll probably just need to stick to utilizing Box in a browser :(
Probably just writing a simple script using the Box CLI or one of the Box SDKs https://developer.box.com/guides/tooling/cli/ https://developer.box.com/sdks-and-tools/
Hmmm Do you know the permission settings on the Group? May be set to Admins Only?
Have you checked the authentication method for the app is correct? https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044193033-API-Authentication-The-grant-type-is-unauthorized-for-this-client-id-
curl --location --request POST 'https://api.box.com/2.0/collaborations/' \--header 'Authorization: Bearer token’ \--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \--header 'Cookie: site_preference=desktop' \--...
Since it's a 3rd party application, it will be supported by Lionbox. I found this resource from them regarding support-> http://www.lionbox.publicisgroupe.net/#support .It looks like the applicatio...
Usually when a user leaves the company their content should be transferred over to another user. You may want to check with your organization's Box admin to see if this is the case.
What is LionBox? A 3rd party application? Is the folder shared or are there any collaborators on the folder? You may need to refer to their docs to confirm how sharing works.
Are they on a paid Business or Enterprise Box plan? FTP is available to business and enterprise accounts — except trial accounts — for bulk migration of data. It is not available for personal accou...