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Hello Kourtney, Can you please answer the above question and also the following oneI would be working on a migration project and might have to upload millions of files, so want to know how does thi...
Hello, I tried to upload more than 4 files/second/user yet I did not see any throttling exception. We are deciding to get a lincensed plan to get a better support, can you recommend which one will ...
Any Thoughts on why I do not see 429 even after uploading 100000 files over a period of 23 hours. As I said I only see Gateway timeout and Internal server error and not 429 or is there an easy way ...
Does Throttling vary with the plan
回答済みHello, I am trying to experiment with throttling and how to mitigate, I have done some research around this, written C# application to upload ten to hundred thousand files on to box server. I was e...
Thanks Nayak,
error 404 - not_found for client.CollaborationsManager.GetCollaborationAsync
hello, I have .net application that needs to get the collaborators for a file. Working with SDK APIs and hence using the BoxClient. the API I am using to get the collaborators is client.Collabora...
Connecting to Box via my application
回答済みHello, I have a desktop application built using .net c# - I need to allow users to connect to Box via my UI screen. For this I need to provide the user with some login screen where the user enters...
Hello, The link "this endpoint" takes to the page which has the list of APIs, can you please let me know which is the exact API that can be used to lock/unlock a file. Thanks,
Thanks for the response and it helps.However, what is the difference between overwrite vs upload & remove previous versions for a ransomware.
Overwrite a file on Box with out creating a new version
Hello, I am trying to download a file, make some changes to the file and upload the file using .net sdk console app. I tried to upload the same file using the API UploadAsync but it gave an excep...