In this release we have included the following enhancements:
- Admins and users can now disable the Search Hotkey.
We have also resolved the following bugs:
- On Windows, Sync Uninstall mode 0 (uninstall disabled) was improperly removing parts of the Sync application.
- Offline folders that contain a problem item will now correctly have a red problem icon on the folder instead of a green check mark.
- For users running Box Drive in a custom location, when Drive incorrectly quit and left behind an empty 'Box' folder in the custom location it would revert to the default location on next startup. Drive will now reassemble in the proper custom location.
- Some Finder Favorites were incorrectly being re-added after they were removed the next time Box Drive launched.
- Some users were seeing a "Cannot find shell..." error when attempting to open the Box Drive folder from the tray menu.
- On Windows, folder overlay icons were intermittently disappearing on folders and 'x' icon were displaying on files.