EDIT (12/19/2019) - We have completed the work to migrate Box Drive to Python v3.7 from v2.7 in Box Drive v2.11, but we will not complete this release prior to January 1st due to a recently discovered crashing bug. This issue have been resolved and the Box Drive update is currently released to 10% of Enterprise users. As the changes in Box Drive v2.11 are significant, we are being cautious with how quickly we distribute it. With the holiday season approaching, we have decided to freeze the release at 10% of Enterprise users until early January. This is to avoid the risk of, potentially, introducing an undiscovered regression in Box Drive at a time when key staff at organizations may be unavailable. Box is monitoring Python 2.7 for any security related issues. If an issue is found that would affect Box Drive, we will be able to immediately take action and complete the release. We believe this is the most prudent way we can effectively protect you while minimizing the chance of disruption to your organizations.
As of January 1, 2020 Python 2.7 will no longer be supported by the Python Community. Box Drive, which is built on Python 2.7, is being upgraded to Python 3.7. This update will be released in mid-December as Box Drive version 2.11. Older versions of Box Drive will continue to function, however they will not be supported per our Desktop support policy. Users will be automatically prompted to update to this new version, though we urge you to ensure your users move forward after the release.
Note: Box Sync will be remaining on Python 2.7. Box will continue to have Python 2.7 monitored and will continue to support Box Sync in the future if any changes need to be made.