
1 comment

  • AJ

    Hi Lorraine,

    Welcome to the Box Community! I'm happy to help.

    If you believe that there are files missing from your Box account, or if you've deleted files by accident, there are a few ways you can recover them. 

    Are you the owner or deleter of this content? When a file is deleted, both the person who deleted the item and the owner of the item will be able to retrieve it from their trash. The Trash is located under Account Settings > Trash-- you can also review this article for more details on this process:

    If the files aren’t in your personal trash, they might be in the trash of the person who deleted or owned the files. 

    If you know who deleted or owned this content, please contact this user and instruct them to restore files from their trash.

    If a collaborative folder that you do not own is missing from your Box account, it is most likely that the owner of the collaborative folder has removed you as a collaborator on the collaborative folder. You will have to contact the folder owner of the collaborative folder to have them reinvite you to that folder again.


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