Welcome to the new Box Support website. Check out all the details here on what’s changed.


1 comment

  • AJ

    Hi Steven,

    Welcome to the Box Community! I'm happy to help.

    I can see that the Box account with this email has been confirmed and if there is a need to update or change email addresses then please follow these steps:


    To add an email address:

    • Click Add more emails.

    • Enter your new email address and click the Save button.

    • An email verification will be sent to the address you entered. Click the verification link in the email to confirm and add the alternate email to you account.


    To make a secondary address your primary address, click Make Primary button.If you do not see this option, it's likely your enterprise has a feature enabled that prevents users from changing their primary email address. In that case, you need to reach out to your primary admin for assistance.

    To remove an address, click Remove.


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