Update Box Notes table UI- not a fan of it

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  • France

    Hi Jennifer, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    The changes with Box Notes and the new functions were recently made public and you can learn more about it here.

    Unfortunately, there is no option to revert to the old Box Notes but know that we appreciate your feedback and would highly recommend that you send this directly to our Product Team through Box Pulse for future consideration and implementation.

    Our product managers review these requests and take them into consideration for future product development.

    All the Best, 

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    100% agree, The changes rolled out have made a semi-usable UI into a completely unusable UI.
    Why do boxnotes force all content to live within a tiny section directly in the middle of a browser window. I can widen my browser to the point where there are nearly 10 empty inches on either side of the content section but I can now only see 1 or 2 columns in a table the rest is hidden within a scroll.

    I previously used Boxnotes for most everything and now i'll be seeking alternatives. This change should have been user tested before release.

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