refused to connect.

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  • France

    Hi Paul, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    Can you clear your browse cache and try this again in your account? Here is an article that walks through how to do this on the different browsers that Box supports.

    If the issue persists, can you try using other browsers or even disable plugins or add-ins on your browser and see if that allows you to change your email in Box?

    Let me know how it goes and if you have questions!

    All the Best, 

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  • Paul

    This has been done before posting, no plugins nothing except corporate security (which does block some of zendesk's "partners" ) that can't be disabled nor is there any real justification to requiring it (or even plugins) other than trying to force data mining.  Support should not require anything the main product doesn't, should actually be much more forgiving on any security inplace.

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  • Paul

    Still not answered...

    Trying again, new request and new confirmation email throws a "link expired" error when clicked.  reminder this is for the zendesk support forum only, updating emails in my box account works fine including the links to confirm, just the zendesk support platform that should use the same email I login to it with won't update.

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