

  • France

    Hi Jim, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    Sony's ARW raw image files is currently not supported on Box Preview. The idea to support these file types has been submitted to our Product team via Box Pulse however is it currently not on the road map. You can find more details about this suggestion here: 

    If you would like to support this idea, you can upvote this submission and comment your use case on the thread in Pulse. Our product managers review these requests and take them into consideration for future product development.

    Thanks for your post and let us know how else we can help you.




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  • Jim Radford

    Frankly I find your bias toward Canon raw files unconscionable ... I shot a commercial job and stored a few hundred raw images on Box only to find out my client couldn't view them because I own Sony gear not Canon. I moved the pix over to Dropbox immediately which has a more grown up approach. This cant be so hard to implement fairly fast ... and would attract a huge Sony user group. Not now! Jim

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