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Accidently Deleted Files

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  • Box User

    I know that I have a free account, but I have been using this service for a long time and I hope I can get some help with this :)

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  • France

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, we're happy to help!

    I understand that you accidentally deleted files from your trash folder and needs those recovered.

    We checked your account and I do see you on a Free Personal plan. Unfortunately,  we are unable to support file recovery for users of our free plan as stated on this article:  

    Contact Box Product Support immediately if the content you deleted is no longer in your Box Trash.   When Box purges your trashed content there is still a 14-day grace period for paying customers, during which Product Support can recover your content.  Beyond this 14-day grace period, however, files or folders purged from your Box trash may not be recoverable and may be lost forever. Please note that this recovery grace period does not apply to Free accounts. We are unable to support file recovery for our Free Individual plan. 

    The investigation to determine if the content is recoverable would require a paid account. You may upgrade your current plan then you will be able to submit a case to Product Support, and the team can look if your files are recoverable.

    Thanks for reaching out and let us know if you have any questions!
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  • Box User

    Hi France,

    Is it possible if you can tell me whether or not my files can be recovered? If they can be recovered and you see them on your end, I will then upgrade to a premium plan.


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