external collaborator

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  • France

    Hi Elene, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    External or managed users can use Box Drive to access their Box contents in their local computers.

    You just need to download the application and then login using your Box credentials and Box Drive will give you access to your Box folders/ files directly from your file explorer. Please take a look at the following help articles to get started with Box Drive:

    Hope this helps! Thanks again for your participation in the forum!


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  • Ilene Weismehl

    France, thank you for your response. Our managed users all have Box Drive. But here, we need IT to do the installing. That makes me think it will depend on the external collaborator's IT policies whether they can download Box Drive themselves. But it is good to know that they can do it -- pending their IT policies. Does that sound right?

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  • France

    Hi Ilene, 

    Yes, I have seen other users being required to contact their company IT for installing third party applications specially those company issued devices, which are usually managed by company IT to see if the application is approved by their organization.

    It's probably best to direct this collaborator to contact their IT team about installing Box Drive.



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