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Storage count requires adjustment

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  • matt.nohn

    PS: this is related to https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043695334-Storage-Usage-Or-File-Count-In-My-Account-Is-Incorrect

    "Box Support is able to run a script for specific end-users’ accounts to fix the data inaccuracy issues around user storage size, folder size, and file counts. Please note that while the issue may be fixed, we are unable to guarantee that the account will not be affected by the issue again - particularly for users with massive amounts of content."


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  • Rona

    Hi Matt, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to help! 

    We've ran the script to correct your file and folder counts. You may check it by logging in to box.com> Account Settings> Used Storage. 

    Hope it helps! 

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